Frankfurt Book Fair — October 16 – 20, 2024

English / Română

ISBN: 973-24-0837-5

Cover: Mircea Muntenescu

Lecturer: Olga Silvia Turbatu

Technical editor: Doina Nanu

The novel Alertă Maximă by the author Adrian Grigore was published in 2001 by the Albatros Publishing House in Bucharest and was launched at the international book fair, Gaudeamus, from November 28 to December 2, 2001, in the Romexpo exhibition complex. The presentation of the novel was made to the public by Prof. univ. Dr. Silviu Angelescu from the University of Bucharest, who also wrote the synopsis on cover four. A much-modified version of this book was translated into English by Alina Maria Grigore and was published in the United States in February 2024 under the title Red Alert for Romania.

This book can be found at the links:


ALERTĂ MAXIMĂ  is, apparently, a seductive adventure novel, built according to all the rules of the genre: seismologists involved in the series of events caused by the collapse of a Soviet military satellite, secret services engaged in tough operations to recover the satellite’s remote control code, double agents. .. But the adventure, although captivating, is only a pretext that motivates the foray into a sick world – Romania before 1989. The novel’s epilogue brings us to Romania after 1989 whose continuities suffocate the changes, revealing their fragility.

           Professor Dr. Silviu ANGELESCU – University of Bucharest